(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The inauguration of the Military Corp's Health Train - 1/3)


The inauguration of the Military Corp's Health Train

Rome. H.M.E.H. the Prince and Grand Master and the Italian Minister of Defence, Hon. Beniamino Andreatta, with the Grand Chancellor, Amb. Count Carlo Marullo di Condojanni (behind centre), receive military honours on their arrival at the Ostiense station for the inauguration of the health train by the Military Corps of the Association of Italian Knights.

The Military Corps of the Order's Italian Association, recently engaged in Umbria and the Marches to help the people struck by the earthquake and in Apulia in assisting Albanese refugees, has added to its relief structures a new "health train" which, by the good offices of the Ministry of Defence and the Italian Army, has been donated by the State Railways and the Italian Union of Retired Workers. The train was inaugurated on 25 November at the Ostiense railway station in Rome by the Italian Minister of Defence, Hon. Beniamino Andreatta, and by His Most Eminent Highness the Prince and Grand Master, Fra' Andrew Bertie, present the Grand Chancellor, Ambassador Count Don Carlo Marullo di Condojanni, and civil religious and military authorities. After the ceremony, there was a visit to the eight carriages of health structures, with state-of-the-art equipment for complete check-ups, emergency surgery, day-hospital and the packaging and distribution of hot meals in complete operating autonomy.

Rome. Minister Andreatta cuts the ribbon of the health train donated to the Order.

Also present were the members of the Order's Sovereign Council, the Commissioner of the Italian Knights Association, Don Giovan Pietro dei Duchi Caffarelli, the Commander of the Order's Military Corps, General Mario Prato, General Francesco Cervoni, Chief of General Staff of the Italian Army, Dr. Giuseppe Scandurra, Military Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Cassation, General Guido Bellini, Army Logistics Inspector, General Bruno Zoldan, Commander Central Military Region, Msgr Giuseppe Mani, Lt. Gen. Dr Salvatore Grasso, Commander 2nd Division CC. "Podgora", Brigadier Aldo Carleschi, Commander Carabinieri "Lazio" Region, General Igino Missori, National Director of CISOM, Dr Maurizio Prato, Chairman FINTECNA and Central Manager of IRI, Dr Giorgio Crisci, Chairman FS, Dr Silvano Miniati, Secretary General UILP, Hon. Piero Badaloni, President Lazio Region, General Ciro Di Martino, former Head of SME, General Mario Rossi, former Chairman of the Board of FA., General Ninetto Lugaresi, former Director of SISMI, Gen. Ins. Tommaso Lisai, fortner Director General of Military Health.

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