(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The inauguration of the Military Corp's Health Train - 3/3)

Rome. General Mario Prato, Commander of the Military Corps of the Association of Italian Knights, receives from the Secretary General of the Italian Union of Retired Workers, Silvano Miniati, the memorial plaque for the donation of the health train.

"With today's ceremony we greet an event of great moral significance and undoubted public utility, said the Minister of Defence, Beniamino Andreatta, in his speech. "A new unit to bring relief and assistance to those who suffer, giving a concrete meaning to the value of solidarity, is now at the disposal of the Order of Malta's Military Corps, already engaged on many fronts to alleviate the misfortunes of others. A very important mobile health structure which can supply effective assistance in cases of disasters, both in Italy and in other countries lacking in medical structures" In stressing the "emergency operations conducted with rapidity and effectiveness" by the Military Corps in the past and referring to the most recent events, the Minister affirmed he was "viewing with interest and trust this initiative which puts new and effective means at the disposal of men and women of proven experience" The Order's Military Corps - special auxiliary corps of the Italian Army - established in 1877 with the aim of "helping the wounded and sick in wartime" and subsequently "to help populations during disasters" has participated in war campaigns, such as that of Libya in 1911-12 and in the two World Wars, intervened in rescue operations during the earthquakes in Sicily (1908), Avezzano (1915), Irpinia (1981) and in the floods in Piedmont (1995).
It has also taken part in the Order of Malta's humanitarian actions during the civil war in Hungary (1956), the conflicts in the ex-Yugoslavia (1991-1996) and during the exodus of the Albanians in 1993. Its banner has received numerous recognition, including the Silver Medal for Military Valour "in the field" for the 1943-45 War, the Bronze Medal for Military Value for the 1940-45 War, the Military Cross for Valour and the Military Distinguished Service Cross (1915-18), the Gold Medal for the Calabrian-Sicilian earthquake, the Order of Merit for Health Services and, this year, the Medal for Charitable Works.

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