A.C.I.S.M.O.M. (ASSOCIATION OF ITALIAN KNIGHTS OF THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA) has established the first Italian ANTI-DIABETES CENTER in Rome, Via della Croce, at the end of the World War II. Purpose of the Center is that of providing treatment and care to diabetics through the distribution of insulin supplied by Allied Authorities.

As the disease spread on, A.C.I.S.M.O.M. (ASSOCIATION OF ITALIAN KNIGHTS OF THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA) was committed to continue its assistance activities to diabetics with the creation, March 26, 1956 the Anti-Diabetes Center (ADC) of Via Tagliamento 55, Rome, and later other ADCs in various Italian Regions.

There are 8 ADCs, one of which also provides GENERAL CLINIC services, currently operating in Latium, 1 ADC in Lombardy, 1 ADC and two GENERAL CLINICS in Campania and 1 ADC in Puglia.

These facilities are dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications, working under agreement with the National Health Care Service. Over 35,000 patients in total are treated in these facilities, where a full follow-up of all the aspects of diabetes in the METABOLIC, CARDIO-ANGIOLOGIC, NEUROLOGIC and OCULISTIC fields are provided, and state-of-the-art therapies are applied.

The following are the locations and addresses of all ADCs.


Andria 70031 (BARI) - Via Bòttego, 9

Latina 04100               - Via Pionieri della Bonifica snc

Milano 20125               - Via Rezia, 4

Napoli 80100               - Via del Priorato

Napoli 80135               - Via Trinità alla Cesarea, 23

Roma 00144                - Piazza Marconi, 12

Roma 00154                - Via Giovanni da Empoli, 4/c

Roma 00172                - Via Palmiro Togliatti

Roma 00177                - Via Ariano Irpino, 7

Roma 00183                - Via Concordia, 38

Roma                          - Via Camillo Negro, 16

Viterbo 01100             - Via Genova, 120
