The CISOM Group of GAETA engaged in a cave rescue drill with the CISOM Group of UMBRIA at Cerreto di Spoleto, with Head of Group Antonio Simeone (center) descending in a crevice accompanied by two external instructors

Briefing session in Umbria with the CISOM Groups of GAETA and UMBRIA in the refectory of a monastery made available by the Town Authority of Cerreto di Spoleto for the drills on survival techniques

H.R.H. Princess Margaret of England with the National Director of CISOM Lieutenant General Igino Missori (wearing a suit), the Head of the CISOM Group of Gaeta Antonio Simeone (to the left of H.R.H.) and Architect Marco Torroni, Head of the CISOM Group of Rome, at the inauguration of the Exhibition on Piranesi to celebrate the 25 years from the election of H.M.E.H. the Grand Master at the Magistral Villa on the Aventine

The Head of the CISOM Group of Gaeta Antonio Simeone with Police Inspector Isaia Guardascione, as an observer during a fire-fighting drill held in the Pratica di Mare airport and organized by the Air Force Fire Squad

ITRI (near Latina), June 29, 1997. H.E. the Grand Prior of Rome Lobstein with Antonio Simeone, followed by Dr. Marcello Pellegrini, Head of CISOM Grouping for Latium and private secretary of the Grand Prior, passes in review the volunteers of the CISOM Group of Gaeta at the end of the first CISOM GAETA course providing practice with helicopters and aircraft. During the event the Grand Prior held a conference on the up-to-dateness of the Order.

The Head of the Gaeta Group Antonio Simeone with four volunteers being reviewed in ITRI at the end of the first CISOM GAETA course providing practice with helicopters and aircraft. During the event the Grand Prior held a conference on the up-to-dateness of the Order.

Rome: The Grand Prior Brother Lobstein distributes merit attestations to the volunteers who served at the art exhibition "Piranesi and the Aventine"

Brindisi: CISOM volunteers provide assistance to Albanian refugees on arrival

Brindisi: Inauguration of the Group and distribution of ID badges to the volunteers by the Regional Manager, at the presence of the President of the Province and of the Head of the Group


Guspini (CA): Inauguration of the CISOM base


Guspini (CA): Inauguration of the CISOM base


Rome, 1999: 9th Centennial of the Order


Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica, 1999: CISOM volunteers assisting to the Holy Mass


Rome, 1999: CISOM volunteers deployed in St. Peter’s Square


Messina, 1999: CISOM volunteers distribute evening meals to beggars and homeless
