Milan, 3 June 2000
Within the framework of the development of the
Order's diplomatic service and in response to the
acknowledged need to enhance its communications and
information, the Grand Chancellor, Amb. Count Don
Carlo Marullo di Condojanni convened the Order's
ambassadors accredited to the countries of Europe
and Africa for a working meeting and exchange of
ideas to plan the Order's diplomatic action
The two working sessions were also attended by heads
of the Order's diplomatic missions on the other
continents and heads of national bodies as observers.
Two personalities of the international diplomatic
world, Amb. Bernard Dorin and Amb. Prof. Luigi
Vittorio Ferraris, talked about the general themes
and organisational problems of the Order's
international structures, their needs and
developments in the respective governments. Specific
issues were examined by working groups which were
set up during the meeting and which will continue
their work afterwards.
The assembly was chaired by the Grand Chancellor,
head of the Order's Diplomatic Service, and
co-ordinated by the Secretary General for Foreign
Affairs, Amb. Francesco Guariglia.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, subject of
International Law, is present with its humanitarian
action in over 100 countries on all continents. It
maintains diplomatic relations on a level of embassy
with 85 States, of which 23 are in Europe and 31 in
Africa. It has diplomatic missions in Belgium,
France, Germany, Luxembourg and Monaco, in the
European Council and Commission of the European
Communities. It is a Permanent Observer to the
General Assembly of the United Nations and, as such,
maintains permanent delegations in international
organisations in New York, Geneva, Paris, Rome and