(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: Sixty Years of the Order's "Rivista" - 1/1)

Sixty Years of the Order's "Rivista"

The "Rivista Internazionale" first came out in 1937, exactly 60 years ago, and to commemorate this the present cover reproduces the first edition. The numbering of the publication years will also be indicated, starting with number 60 this year and, alongside, the years of the new series, starting with number 29.
Actually, since the first "Rivista" came out in 1937, this should be the 61st, but it was not published in 1953 because of the death of the Grand Master Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere.
But the historical continuity of the "Rivista", in its layout, contents and chronology, has not been interrupted. The next year (1954) the first edition of the "Bulletin Mensuel " was published, followed by the "Bulletin Officiel" which, as did initially the "Rivista", contained the Official Proceedings of the Grand Magistry and news on the Order's activities.
In 1958, with the title of "Revue, nouvelle série" and then in 1960, with the title of "Annales", the publication kept its original layout as well as its numbering. In 1969 it was given its present title of "Rivista Internazionale", as distinct from the "Annales stopped in 1979 and in 1970 to distinguish it from the "Bulletin Officiel" which in 1992 became the "Bollettino Ufficiale".

The Order's "Rivista" from 1937 to today
1937 - 1952
"Rivista", from 1938 "Rivista Illustrata" with official proceedings and news.
Not published for the death of the Grand Master, Fra' Ludovico Chigi.
1954 - 1957
"Bulletin Mensuel", from 1956 "Bulletin Officiel". Official proceedings and news.
1958 - 1959
"Revue" year XVI new series from series 1937/1952.
1960 - 1968
"Annales" year XVIII from "Rivista Illustrata" (1937/1952 - year I/XV) and from "Revue" (1958/1959 year I-XVII).
"Rivista Internazionale" with "Bulletin Officiel".
1970 - 1982
"Rivista Internazionale" without "Bulletin Officiel".
1983 - 1989
"Rivista Internazionale" (anno XV new series from 1969).
1990 - 1997
"Rivista Internazionale" new, bilingual edition.

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