(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: Pilgrimages - 5/6)
MADRID (First picture)
The Chapter of
celebrated in the
Monastery de las
Descalzas Reales,
in which the
dames and knights
of the Spanish
Assembly and of
the Sub-Priory of
St George and St.
James participated.
PIETRABISSARA (Second picture)
The study congress on the Saints and Blessed of the Order,
organised by the Scientific Commission of the Grand Magistry on
20th September in the Olubrense Academy in Palazzo Spinola,
present His Eminence Cardinal Edmund Casimir Zsoka,
President of the Prefecture of Economic Affairs of the Holy See,
the Grand Commander, Ven. Bailiff Fra' Ludwig Hoffmann, the
Grand Prior of Lombardy and Venice, Fra' Giacomo dalla Torre
and numerous civil and military authorities. The Grand Prior of
Rome, Ven. Bailiff Fra' Franz von Lobstein, opened the meeting.
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