(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The Fifth Meeting of the Order's Hospitallers - 1/1)


The Fifth Meeting of the Order's Hospitallers

Prague. The meeting of the Hospitallers of the Order's national associations.

The fifth meeting of the Hospitallers of the Order's European national associations, presided over by the Hospitaller H.E. Baron Albrecht von Boeselager, met from 7 to 9 March.
During the sessions, which took place in the Order's premises in Prague, four members of AIOM's new board of directors were chosen from the representatives of Austria, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, ECOM and CIOMAL.

The establishment was also announced of the Project Co-ordination Office (PCO), with offices in the Belgian Association "Malta Assistance" in Brussels. PCO will act as a point of convergence for presenting the projects of the Order's national bodies to the European Union for obtaining the relative financing.

The amendment of ECOM's statute was also discussed, so that instead of a unit for emergency interventions it would become an international operational unit for medium and long-term projects. Thus it would no longer be called the Emergency Corps of the Order of Malta but rather the European Corps of the Order of Malta.

The president of the French Association informed the European associations of the new regulations established by the World Health Organisation for collecting and distributing medicines.
The WHO model is that conceived and already implemented by the Order's French Hospitaller Works' Medicine Collection Centre.

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