(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The Maternity Hospital of the Holy Family in Bethlehem - 2/3)
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Bethlehem. Assistance to mothers and infants in the maternity ward of the
"Holy Family" hospital run by the Order.
In order to relieve the French Association of the sole responsibility for this object - which they had taken over for the whole Order an international board of trustees was therefore set up under the chairmanship of the Hospitaller. To the board belong at the moment besides representatives of the French Association members of the American as well the German, Irish ans Swiss Associations.
The main financial burden lies still on the French Association; but the other above mentioned Associations make together with the Grand magistry a regular financial contribution.
Other Associations have contributed so far sporadically.
This way the hospital has developed into an international joint object of the Order, which quite recently has got special significance due to the fact that our Order will celebrate in 1999 its 900 year jubilee and the 2000th jubilee of Christ's birth in Bethlehem is imminent.
Our Order is once again for its own jubilee present with a significant work in the country of it's foundation and the symbolism of a maternity hospital especially in Bethlehem where the Blessed Virgin 2000 years ago could not find a lodging to give birth to Christ is quite obvious.
Also in the country itself the meaning and the reputation of the hospital has grown continually since its re-opening despite the initial difficulties. With the support of the Norwegian Government and the Norwegian Midwives Association, in co-operation with the hospital it was possible to initiate and carry out a training programme for midwives since 1991.
Meanwhile this programme has been taken over by the Bethlehem University and shall take care of the appalling shortage of midwives in the region. In order to safeguard the further education of the medical personnel, an education and exchange programme exists in the meantime with the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin. Prof. Meagher, a well-known Irish obstetrician, who after his pensioning off had the management of the hospital as predecessor of the actual General Director, has provided for the establishment of a West European medical standard during his time in Bethlehem.
With means of the European Union, the hospital has been expanded to 40 beds and a neonatal ward in the meantime. Planned is furthermore the renovation of the unused wing of the old building in order to make room for the growing number of consultations.
Probably the French government will take over the costs for this.
For some years already the hospital operates an out-reach programme by which on certain weekdays medical consultation is being offered to pregnant women in villages of the neighbourhood which goes as far as the region of Hebron.
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