Carlo Marullo di Condojanni 

He was born in Messina on 18 April 1946. He is a lawyer and university teacher.

He wrote many scientific publications on the distribution of national income and on monetary issues. He teaches “Market Analysis” at the University of Messina. At the same university he also taught Theory of Portfolio Choices, Economic Data Classification and Analysis, and Mathematical Theory of Financial Portfolio. He is also a farm entrepreneur.

He hold the following offices for the Order of Malta – Finance Minister, Minister of Post, Ambassador Permanent Observer at the UN General Assembly, Head of Government and Foreing Minister, and chargé of Special Affairs of the Grand Magistry of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as “Roving Ambassador”, Rector of the International Academy of the Order. He founded the review “Peregrinationes” and sponsored many publications. He is the President of many Humanitarian and Cultural Foundations. He has been long committed in the diffusion of the cult of Blessed Gerard, founder of Order of Malta.

He was awarded many decorations for the merits gained during the periods of the offices held.


Biography edited by Concetta Forza, Cavalieri dell'Ordine di Malta, Flaccovio Editore, 2008

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