(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The Awakening Unit of the St. John the Baptist Hospital - 6/6)
(Left) The therapy in the gymnasium integrates the work in the hospital rooms
aimed at restoring the respiratory balance, reactivating the physiological
functions, motor and cognitive component and fostering compensatory
The rehabilitation programme follows a progressive scheme of
neurophysiological and neuropsychological reconstruction recalling the
evolutionary pattern of a child, guiding the patient from the stage of
simple awakening to that of conscious activity and from the stage of
reflex movement to the ability to move spontaneously. (Right)The medical team was set up to take over the
patients totally and continually, at the same time
assuming a maternal role. All the team is well
aware of the significance of a stable, welcoming
human presence which goes beyond mere
technique in sending an emotional echo and
establishing a sympathetic relationship. The
team's role is fundamental in constructing a daily
pattern to give the patient trust and confidence,
helping to overcome the inevitable tendency to
regress. In the teams eyes, the whole problem
of the complex rehabilitation of the seriously brain
injured patient rotates around a thorough
understanding of the patients specific needs.
Dr. Maria Rachele Zylberman
Head of Department for Neurorehabilitation
SMOM St. John the Baptist Hospital, Rome
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