(Rivista Internazionale - December 1997: The Awakening Unit of the St. John the Baptist Hospital - 5/6)
Artificial nutrition is an absolute necessity for patients in a
post-traumatic vegetative state. A percutaenous
gastrostomy enables 3500/4000 calories per day of artificial
food to be assimilated with a speed of flow fixed through
an electric pump which regulates the quantity/time
parameters. Feeding is by continual infusion day and night
for several weeks and according to the clinical picture.
Only in a second stage are boluses of centrifuged, natural
food administered at fixed times In this way, by gastric
filling and emptying, it is attempted to restore the sense of
satiety and hunger, activating a natural feedback. Patients with tracheostomies have to be continuously treated during the
course of the day to ensure normal breathing.
To maintain the cardio-respiratory metabolic and internal balance, the
bronchi have to be aspirated several times a day, combined with
clapping techniques which encourage the detachment of secretion from
the bronchial wall and Trendelenburg's position to help remove it.
During the awakening stages, the patient does not possess independent
or physiological mechanisms such as coughing or general mobility for
keeping the air passages free.
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